Tips for getting out of that reading slump!

Hi guy’s,

For any reader getting in a reading slump can be very frustrating, when really all you want to do is read! I myself have had a few reading slumps over my reading years! I remember my first ever experience of this, and at first I got myself in a blind panic as to A) why I wasn’t reading so much ( my reading had slowed down a lot!) and B) why the heck was going on? I just couldn’t fathom out why because all I wanted to do was read! I remember telling all this to my friend (who is also a reader), over a cuppa and she told me not to worry.That most readers at some point will go through a reading lull; where nothing quite took your fancy. My mate suggested changing genre, which actually really helped.

A reading slump could also be caused by thing’s which are going on in your life, which just can’t be helped really. And in that instance I think talking a break from reading would help.

Here are my top tips for helping you get out of a reading slump!

1.Try reading a different genre. Sometimes a change of genre is all it takes to have you reading again! It’s so easy to fall into the trap of sticking to the same type of genre ( not that there is anything wrong in that!) But a change is as good as the rest so they say!

Getting out of your reading slump


2.Changing your usual reading spot. Maybe reading in the garden; on a nice day or taking yourself off to a nice coffee shop for a nice hot drink and a slice of cake!

3.Go to your local library. Ask the librarian to help suggest some books to you. You never know they may just inspire you to try something new, plus it’s always good to support your local library!!

4.Talk to family and friends about what their reading at the moment or ask if you could look on their bookcase to see if anything takes your fancy!

5.This last tip is really hard for any reader to have to say and that’s take a reading break. You’ll know when your ready to start reading again.

I have tried all my top tips out over the years, and found they’ve really helped. So if you are experiencing a reading lull then I really hope these help!

If you have any different one’s that have helped you I would love to hear your thoughts, please do get in touch!


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